Editorial Board

Editor in Chief:
Prof. Dr. Mariusz Figurski, E. mariusz.figurski@imgw.pl

Climatology and Meteorology Editor:
Dr. Adam Jaczewski, E. adam.jaczewski@imgw.pl

Hydrology and Water Management Editor:
Dr. Wiwiana Szalińska, E. wiwiana.szalinska@imgw.pl
Dr. Marcin Wdowikowski, E. marcin.wdowikowski@pwr.edu.pl

Technologies and Operational Systems Editor:
Dr. Bogdan Bochenek, E. bogdan.bochenek@imgw.pl

GNSS Meteorology and Remote Sensing Editor:
Dr. Grzegorz Nykiel, E. grzegorz.nykiel@pg.edu.pl

Space Weather Editors:
Dr. Leszek Błaszkiewicz, E. leszekb@matman.uwm.edu.pl
Dr. Wojciech Jarmołowski, E. wojciech.jarmolowski@uwm.edu.pl

Magazine and Content Editor:
Rafał Stepnowski, T. +48 22 56 94 510, E. rafal.stepnowski@imgw.pl

Technical Editors:
Jan Szymankiewicz, E. jan.szymankiewicz@imgw.pl
Grzegorz Dumieński, E. grzegorz.dumienski@imgw.pl

Art Editor:
Michał Seredin, E. michal.seredin@imgw.pl

Linguistic Editors:
S. Jordan (PhD), M. Paul (PhD), J. Wester (PhD)

Editorial Office
Institute of Meteorology and Water Management – National Research Institute
Podlesna 61, 01-673 Warsaw, Poland
phone: +48 22 56 94 510, e-mail: mhwm@imgw.pl
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